Airbnb Tips
What is an Airbnb
Airbnb, as in “Air Bed and Breakfast,” is a service that lets property owners rent out their spaces to travellers looking for a place to stay. Travellers can rent a space for multiple people to share, a shared space with private rooms, or the entire property for themselves.
Aribnb was set up by two friends in California who were struggling to pay rent, so they set up an air bed in their lounge and offered a sort of bed and breakfast service to guests… now you can see where they got the name from!
Tips for setting up an Airbnb
Location, location, location. Not every property can be let out as an Airbnb, there needs to be a reason for people to want to come and stay in your property but also in your area. You need to think carefully what your location offers? Are you next to a busy main road? Or by the beach? All these factors make a difference.
Tips for analysing your return
At properties-on-Sea we use a package called AirDNA to look at the rental yields of all our competition in the area to ensure we are getting the best price and occupancy rates for our clients. There is a free version which provides lots of good information. Check out AirDNA at
Properties-on-Sea management
Airbnb management is a full time job, from interacting with customers and providing them with an amazing 5 star experience to ensuring the linen and towels are just right, there is no holiday for you if you decide to self-manage!
Each property is unique just like the owners, perhaps you only want to let your property out over the summer months when you’re away on holiday or perhaps over the winter months when you’re visiting relatives. We offer our clients the flexibility to use their property, we only ask that the property is rentable for 90 nights a year and the rest of the time you can use the property as you see fit.
Guaranteed Rent Offer
It's understandable to be nervous about a decline in booking over the winter months, we totally get that, but at Properties-on-Sea we are confident that we will always find the right people for your property, that's why we can offer you Guaranteed Rent on your property.